Pool Replastering Services in Birmingham, Alabama

Revitalize Your Pool with Professional Replastering

Replastering is an essential part of pool renovation that keeps your pool looking fresh, clean, and inviting. At Elite Pool Services, we offer superior pool replastering services in Birmingham, Alabama, that not only enhance the aesthetics of your pool but also prolong its lifespan.

Why Replaster Your Pool?

Over time, your pool's plaster can wear out, develop stains, and start to crack, reducing its overall appeal. Replastering can solve these issues, restoring the beauty of your pool and making it more comfortable for swimmers.

The Replastering Process

Our replastering process involves draining the pool, preparing the surface by removing the old plaster, applying a new plaster layer, and then refilling the pool. We ensure a smooth and even application that can withstand years of use.

Choosing the Right Plaster

The choice of plaster can greatly impact the look and feel of your pool. We offer a range of options from traditional white plaster to colored quartz, pebble finishes, and polished aggregate. Our team will guide you in selecting the perfect plaster to match your pool and landscaping.

Quality Materials and Expertise

At Elite Pool Services, we only use the highest quality materials for our pool replastering projects. Combined with our expert craftsmanship, we deliver a finish that not only looks stunning but also stands up to the test of time.

Aftercare and Maintenance

Proper aftercare is essential for the longevity of your newly replastered pool. Our team will provide comprehensive instructions for the initial care of your pool. We also offer maintenance services to keep your pool in top-notch condition.

Contact Elite Pool Services Today

Bring back the charm of your swimming pool with our exceptional pool replastering services. Contact us today at (205) 490-1385 to schedule a consultation or request a free estimate. With Elite Pool Services, a rejuvenated, sparkling pool is just a call away!


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280 Snow Dr Suite 1,
Birmingham, AL 35209

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(205) 490-1385

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8 am — 5 pm
8 am — 5 pm
8 am — 5 pm
8 am — 5 pm
8 am — 5 pm